Car ride home early this morning. Bos and I took a wrong turn and took the scenic route through Providence, but he was pretty well behaved with the exception of trying to drink from my dunkin' donuts coffee; chewing a corner off DJ's cup holder; and seriously protesting when I tried to zip up the little window so he wouldn't come out.

Tired out after many unsuccesful attempts to escape his fashionable doggie purse.

Snuggling and bonding with me in the morning. This is right before the two of us fell asleep and took a 2 hour nap!

DJ pretend sleeping with the new puppy because he doesn't want to be left out on the cute puppy pictures.

This 2-month old puppy is adorable, needy, and stinky. I left for 30 minutes to pick up DJ from the hospital and he was so lonely, he poo'd and pee'd all over his living area. Most of the rest of the day if I put him in his pen, he would cry heart-wrenching baby pouts that slowly graduated into full-fledge yelping/howling. However we are trying not to coddle him when he cries and I think it's working, since he's going into his crate voluntarily now.
This evening, after me giving him too much food because I felt bad that he ate his bowl clean so quickly, he gifted us with about 4 of the stinkiest farts I've smelled in a long while. (And I'll let you imagine the kinds that can come from DJ.) But I'm worried I may have given him constipation since he hasn't pooped since dinner and has been drinking a LOT of water. Luckily he goes to the vet tomorrow.
More to come...