Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Monday, March 26, 2007

Not Part of the Recall

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Boston made a new friend a few weekends ago at our church's annual spring retreat. Addis is a beautiful 50-lb Chesapeake Bay Retriever pup who will one day be able to swallow Boston whole.

For now, our dog can still hold his own.

Citylife Winter Retreat March 07

Monday, March 05, 2007

Saturday morning ritual

Stealing the ball from zazzi

behind Boston is the dog who always chases the T

There's nothing better than a good stick!

Matching outfits

Trying to catch my breath but my tongue gets in the way!

My favorite place to snuggle.

Grandma doesn't approve of this but I'm so cute that mommy and daddy can't help but let me sleep in bed.
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Meet Boston's girlfriend, Bella, who owns my coworker Molly.

Playing at Molly's sweet pad.

kiss kiss kiss