Our little baby is growing up.
In about one week, he "gets his balls cut off," as daddy puts it.
In the past few months, he has learned "shake" and "down" on top of being really good at "sit" and "stay." He has learned to identify DJ as the playmate and me as the cuddler and comes to the relevant person depending on his mood. He has also started to lift up his leg when peeing against tree trunks and fire hydrants, which is just an amazing demonstration of animal instinct. (I for sure did not teach him that.)

How cute is this?
In about one week, he "gets his balls cut off," as daddy puts it.
In the past few months, he has learned "shake" and "down" on top of being really good at "sit" and "stay." He has learned to identify DJ as the playmate and me as the cuddler and comes to the relevant person depending on his mood. He has also started to lift up his leg when peeing against tree trunks and fire hydrants, which is just an amazing demonstration of animal instinct. (I for sure did not teach him that.)
How cute is this?